Meal Plan Only

Meal Plan Only

  • 3 Meals per day
  • Personalised Nutrition Plan
  • Healthy Snacks
  • Weekly Check Ins
  • Access to Video Recipes
  • 24 Hour Support

Let us start by saying that if you want to change your body composition, as in gain muscle mass or lose body fat then your nutrition is going to play a HUGE role in that. Outside of eating for optimal performance, the amount of calories you consume compared to what you burn will dictate if you lose fat or gain size. It’s because of this that our training programmes include meal plans as standard. Hopefully we have stressed the importance of eating properly here and now we will explain how our nutrition programmes work and why you should be on board.

When you sign up as a new member we will get you to fill out an on boarding questionnaire. This will ask various things such as age, height, weight, activity level and goals. This will allow us to work out the correct calorie intake for you personally and adjust that to match your current goal (fat loss, muscle gain, maintain size). 

We will also ask if you have any specific dietary requirements, any foods that you dislike and even how many meals and snacks you would like to eat across the day. The thing with most meals plans is that they are just given to you and don’t take into account your likes/dislikes or even lifestyle. The best nutrition programme is the one that you can stick to most easily. This is exactly why we ask you how many meals you want to eat across the day because everyone is different and if we gave some people 3 meals and others 5 without knowing their preferences, it would make it tough to stick to and so they will drop off and become inconsistent. 

Once we have created your meal programme, completely specific to you, we will give you a weekly shopping list to go with that. That means you can go shopping and buy exactly what you need to fit your meals. If you happen to not like a meal we have given or want to change our snack you can simply click the swap button and we will email you an alternative. If you say you don’t want a certain meal or particular food again we will note that down so you don’t get that again. 

Every 2 weeks you will complete an update questionnaire for us. This allows us to track your progress and make any adjustments that may be needed to keep you on track with your goals. 

As I mentioned, all training programmes come with a full, personalised nutrition programme as standard. 

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