Hybrid Body - Strength x Endurance x Mobility

Continuous workout cycles that guarantee muscle growth, increased performance, mobility, and optimal recovery.

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🇬🇧 If you need consistent workout programming, so you can stop thinking and start doing, join my new workout platform, where I will release continuous workout cycles that guarantee muscle growth, increased performance, and mobility, and optimal recovery.

I’ve created a new workout cycle designed by my training philosophy in the past months. You will find a mixture of strength, mobility, and endurance workouts to evolve into your fittest SELF!

What Hybrid Body members get:

• Get continuous workouts designed to build defined muscle faster, recover better, and increase performance.

Learn your first pull-up the fastest way with a step by step pull-up program (+ more upcoming skill programs)

Track your results to see your progress.

• Get individual advice on five technique videos from Marie Steffen to feel confident in your execution.

• No need for substitute programs. Mobility work is covered in each workout to perform the full range of motion of each exercise and to prevent injury.

• This is not another boring gym workout program. All workouts are a blend of basic strength work, functional bodybuilding, and a conditioning part, so you will never get bored and hit new training stimuli.

• No matter where you are, the workouts include scaled options to meet you at your level and remove frustration. Each workout can be as challenging as you need it to be.

• Use the express workout version to hit all essential parts efficiently in under 40 minutes.

The Hybrid Body Split:

Monday: Lower Body

Tuesday: Upper Body

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Consistent Pace Endurance of Choice (Outdoor Running, Treadmill, Biking (Erg), Rowing, Swimming, Vesa Climber, etc.)

Friday: Full Body

Saturday: Active Rest

Sunday: Interval Endurance (Outdoor Running, Treadmill, Biking (Erg), Rowing, Swimming, Vesa Climber, etc.)

Note that you don't have to do the endurance workouts. They are optional based on your goals. You can always contact me through a personal chat if you need personal advice.

Structure of the strength workouts

[Movement Prep & Blood flow 7-10 Min.]

[Pre-Activation 5-7 Min.]

[Strength & Mobility 25 Min.]

[Strength & Balance 7,5 Min.]

[Core, Leg or Glute Burn Out 5-10 Min.]

[Conditioning 7-10 Min.]

[Cool-Down 5 Min.]

Can’t workout longer than 40 Minutes? Don’t worry the Hybrid Body Express version ensures a highly effective and efficient workout stimulus in under 40 minutes.


Can I rearrange Workouts?

Yes! You can drag and drop your workouts according to your personal schedule. 

Do I have to run?

No! You can do the endurance workouts with swimming or biking as well or skip them completely if you’re just interested in the strength workouts. 

How long do the workouts take?

The strength workouts take you around 1hour and 15-20 minutes. In the express version, the workouts won’t take you longer than 40 minutes.

The endurance workouts range from 25-60 minutes. They build up in distance and intensity weekly so that your body can adapt to it.

The Active rest day is planned for 20 minutes.

Do I get personal support?

Yes! You have access to a personal chat to me. I’m excited to support and guide you on your journey in German 🇩🇪 and English 🇬🇧!

How do I know if I execute an exercise properly?

You will see a demo video and instructions from me for each exercise. Your membership also includes personal technique feedback from me to up to five videos, so that you feel confident and safe in the gym. 

Can I lose weight with this program?

Short answer: Yes! 

With this program you can achieve muscle definition and lose bodyfat.

However, losing or gaining weight is mainly about whether you eat in a caloric surplus or deficit. But I have a goal guide for you in my program to make it easy for you to choose the right nutritional approach.

You have any other questions? Please feel free to contact me (in English or German) at support@the-art-of-health.de. I'm happy to help!

Meet the coach
Marie Steffen
Marie Steffen

About Me Hey, my name is Marie Steffen. I´m a nutrition Coach and a Personal Trainer for women’s health from Germany. I have worked over 10 years with clients helping them to reach their specific aesthetic and fitness goals. And I'm thrilled to help you on your journey as well! My Mission Helping people reach their aesthetic and performance goals and believing in their ability to change. My Journey The Art of Health philosophy was developed through my personal athletic career and my work with hundreds of clients I could coach in the past years. Being active and exploring a variety of movements have always been my passion which quickly led to me educating myself more about healthy nutrition and its effect on performance and aesthetics. I started my athletic career as a passionate hip hop dancer competing in a few battles in which I could express my passion for ‚freestyle’. I was fascinated by muscular and well-trained bodies and wondered if I could also achieve such a physique. I found my answer by reading, changing my diet, and incorporating strength training in the gym. After several months of changing my diet and training routine, trainers at my gym spotted the changes in my physique. It didn't take long until bodybuilding competitions grabbed my attention. Since I could imagine myself in the bodybuilding category ‚bikini devision’, I started my first competition preparation on my own while finishing my high school degree. I got placed second after my first show, feeling absolutely ignited. So ignited that I subsequently entered a four-year phase of competing internationally. Receiving the bronze medal during a world competition marked the excellent ending of my career as a bikini athlete. Simultaneously, I was working as a personal trainer, coaching all different kinds of clients to help them achieve their aesthetic, performance, and health goals. After I ended my international bodybuilding career, I was desperate to learn more about different movements and ways to work out. I realized there is so much more than biceps curls, chicken rice, and broccoli. Working for months towards a low body fat percentage for one show day didn’t fulfill me long-term. It didn’t correspond to my version of an athlete anymore. Thus, I dedicated the year after ending my bodybuilding career to my health, especially to my hormones. I have developed a new approach to sustainably reaching my athletic, aesthetic, and health goals. My goal was a healthy body fat percentage, which allows me to perform best in training and aligns with my aesthetic goals. My training goals changed in a different direction, too. Since I’ve always had fun exploring different movements, I felt so free not having to follow a stereotypical bodybuilding training plan anymore. My training from there on should pursue a different goal than aesthetics only. I set new goals, such as learning a handstand and muscle up. I wasn't sure if I could master such advanced skills without having a gymnastics background since I was a child. But the curiosity about what my body can do motivated me to work toward these goals with dedication. A few months later, I proved that I could learn these skills and was hungry for more. I learned more from weightlifting & gymnastics coaches across the world (England, U.S.: New York, Florida, Washington, Nashville, etc.). Apart from learning new skills that I never expected to be able to learn, I learned how to teach and coach those techniques. Meanwhile, many of my clients and social media community want to learn a handstand and are interested in the The Art of Health philosophy. The demand is so high that I created this App to inspire and offer my nutrition and training tools to fitness enthusiasts. My vision is that everyone recognizes and uses their full physical and mental potential. We all got a huge potential to transform ourselves while reaching our best health and life quality possible.

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