Online Fusion Membership Package
Free week to access everything!
- 5 incredible training programs
- Over 30 “on-demand” supplementary stand-alone training sessions
- Video demonstrations for ALL your prescribed exercises
- Access to our community forum for updates, news & helpful tips
- A dedicated coach is assigned to you every step of the way with chat (in-app) and call (WattsApp) support
-BONUS- Try everything for a week FOR FREE
Programs run on a 15-week basis with the following options
Freedom - A 2-day training week for people who have other activities in their life and want a holistic training plan to support their busy lifestyle.
Fusion - A 3-4 day training week designed to give people an even increase in fitness, force production and freedom of movement.
MPM (Muscular Performance Method) - A 3-4 day training week to stimulate improvements in strength, muscle mass and power development.
Powerlifting - A 3-4 day training program designed to improve people's Back Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift.
Bodybuilding - A 4-day training program to provide the stimulus required to increase muscle mass.