Get Strong Finish Strong

Get Strong Finish Strong

You run, that’s enough right? Nope. Sorry to tell you but you are leaving some big wins on the table by not incorporating strength training into your training program.

But where do I start?

How many times a week should I lift?

What days should I lift?

I don’t have a barbell or a gym, can I still strength train?

What do you get?

  • Three month progressive overload programming with 2 or 3 day a week total body workouts.
  • Start when you’re ready - even if you join in the middle of the month you begin the program from the beginning.
  • Move at your pace. Miss a week? No worries - you’re in control and can go back and re-schedule your missed workouts.
  • Bodyweight, dumbbell and barbell options
  • No commitment period - Join for 1 month, 3 months or 100 months. Cancel anytime.

“Studies have shown that strength training programs enhance running economy - meaning oxygen and energy use - by 2%-8%, as well as time trial performance by 2%-5%, which could shave a minute or two off 10k races, they note. Consistency is the key” - Carolyn Crist / Reuters Health

Meet the coach
Danielle Hirt
Head Coach

Athletes always ask me “How did you start coaching? Have you always been a runner?” — Funny enough, no! Ironically I was that high school kid who had a doctor’s note to get out of running the mile every year! Throughout high school and college I was a competitive dancer and honestly never had time for anything else. Looking back I probably would have loved track and cross country. Fast forward to my final year of college, I had just gotten my certification as a Kickboxing instructor and was teaching at my university gym & a local gym. I loved it. I loved showing participants they could go beyond their own expectations. Over the next five years I would acquire an additional five additional group exercise certifications and was teaching 10+ classes a week at three different gyms in Pennsylvania.  During this time I went through some very difficult life challenges and somehow looked to running. My best friend at the time was (still is) an amazing runner and I looked up to her. I told her I wanted to run, she told me “Ok, go out and run 4 miles everyday until it doesn’t hurt” For all of your reading: do not do this. Looking back, it was the most humbling introduction to running I could have asked for. I fell in love. In love with the burn in my legs, the racing of my heart, the desire to push myself. I needed to share this with others. Spring 2013 I took the leap to acquire my RRCA Level 1 Certification. Since then I have studied the principles of Hanson, Higdon, McMillian, Jack Daniel, Galloway and countless other running gurus. My name became synonymous with running in my small town. I was leading Couch to 5K sessions multiple times a year at 3 different gyms and coaching individuals to half marathons & marathons. In 2019 I also became a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM. Relocating to Arlington, VA in October 2015 I brought my coaching with me. I am proud of every one of my past athletes and all of my current athletes. I continue to push myself in my own personal goals but find passion in helping others achieve their own goals. Whether you want to run a 5K without stopping or run a Boston Qualifying marathon - there is no goal too large or too small. I train safely and effectively, I get that we don’t all have 3 hours a day to train. We need to make the most out of our training time and that is exactly how I write my training plans for each of my clients. I’ll provide you with the tools to achieve your dreams. Happy Running, Danielle NASM Certified Personal Trainer , Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), Senior Fitness (55+) Specialist, TRX Certified Instructor RRCA Certified Running Coach Precision Nutrition Coach (PN1) Marathons Ran - 17 (current PR 3:47) Half Marathons Ran - 25+ (current PR 1:47) Ironman 70.3 Finish -3x (6:33:54 PR) 5K PR - 21:32

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