Premier Online Training

Personalized Online Personal Training


This option is the BEST for those who are just starting their health and fitness journey, or those who need extra support.

This plan includes everything on Standard, plus, daily check-in’s, bi-weekly virtual coaching calls, and monthly assessments. You have access to 24/7 messaging and emails.

You will enjoy customized training plans and workouts. Every exercise, every rep, and every set is 100 % deliberate. No cookie cutter, no copy and paste.

As with Standard, you will have access to the on-demand training plans for beginners, intermediate and advanced trainees. The various plans focus on building muscle, increasing endurance or strength, and some are for complete beginners just looking to hit the gym with a plan. You'll be able build and track your nutrition (calories and macros), track steps and develop new habits. You'll have access to the learning portal, where you'll find videos covering various topics, such as: fat loss, progressions and regressions, protein, how to deadlift, squat etc. etc.

INCLUDED (everything on Standard) PLUS:

  • Customized training plans and workouts.
  • Daily text/email check-ins
  • Habit and Lifestyle Builder
  • Bi-Weekly 20 minute virtual coaching calls (FaceTime/Zoom)
  • Every 4 weeks we re-assess and set new goals

Dave Johnston Fitness LLC

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